SPSS / PASW Statistics 18 for Mac: The Same Junk as Always
So I write this rant about the horrors of SPSS 16 for Mac. As a result, SPSS Inc. invite me into their beta program for SPSS 17 and offer a free license for it in return. Fair enough. I participate in the program, do all their required testing and submit plenty of bugs. The time window for their beta testers is four weeks. Four weeks. I find that way too short but thats how they operate.
After the end of the beta testing, I never received my free license. I sent them one e-mail about it that was never answered. So when they invited me into their SPSS (which is now called PASW: Predictive Analysis Software) 18 beta, I didn't do anything.
So now PASW 18 ships and I install it with a screen shot app at hand. The first thing I see is this readme window (underlining added by me):
Wow. They still cannot handle foreign characters. I complained about that two versions ago. A company that is producing a statistics software is unable to display a text file containing ä, ö, and ü correctly.
After the install finishes, PASW 18 Mac launches with this gem (you will have to click on it for the large version to see what I mean):

Look at the shadows of "PASW" in the top blue bar and the red line next to it. They are pixelated! These images were obviously produced for a smaller resolution but were magnified to the current size, producing this highly unprofessional experience. So the first two impressions I get give me a feeling that not much care has gone into the production of this software. Attention to detail: Nope, sorry.
The data window features new icons at the top as one can see on the following image.
Unfortunately, that was the only time I ever saw it. After the install, I quit SPSS PASW. Every time I have launched it since them (including after reboots), SPSS PASW crashes on start up:
It. Crashes. On. Every. Launch. On my MacBook Pro (2.33 GHz, 4GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.5.8), SPSS PASW 18 is inoperable. What an enormous piece of junk.
After the end of the beta testing, I never received my free license. I sent them one e-mail about it that was never answered. So when they invited me into their SPSS (which is now called PASW: Predictive Analysis Software) 18 beta, I didn't do anything.
So now PASW 18 ships and I install it with a screen shot app at hand. The first thing I see is this readme window (underlining added by me):

After the install finishes, PASW 18 Mac launches with this gem (you will have to click on it for the large version to see what I mean):

Look at the shadows of "PASW" in the top blue bar and the red line next to it. They are pixelated! These images were obviously produced for a smaller resolution but were magnified to the current size, producing this highly unprofessional experience. So the first two impressions I get give me a feeling that not much care has gone into the production of this software. Attention to detail: Nope, sorry.
The data window features new icons at the top as one can see on the following image.

Labels: software, spss, statistics